How do you feel when you sense “change” is coming to your life? Fearful? Hopeful? Anxious? Relieved? Years ago, I only had one response to impending change…restlessness. The dictionary defines it as “the inability to relax as a result of anxiety” and I certainly knew how to demonstrate it: obsessive cleaning of unseen places, irrational […]
Month: September 2013
What Is Love?
A little lisp snuck up behind me at the kitchen sink and said “I have a thur-prithe (surprise) for you Mommy! Squash your eye shut!” The out of breath commander just lost her first two teeth and every word snares my attention. With both eyes obediently shut, I spun around with exaggerated excitement and responded, […]
Simple Day at the Inferno
I don’t know how I graduated from college. I actually thought it would be a great idea to take my daughter to a huge outdoor park I had seen the weather forecast for full sun, spray paint humidity and 90 something degree heat. Being the planner that I am, I believed a few bottles of […]
From Provocation To Praise
Are there any places in scripture that you have a hard time reading? The story from First Samuel about Hannah and her barrenness used to be one I liked to skim or skip for years. I would read the first chapter and get to the part where Elkanah would give his wife Peninnah and her […]