Devotion Encouragement God's Love Uncategorized

One Storm’s Gift

I walked along the path with ease,
My steps were sure beneath the trees.
The sun poked holes and sprayed its rays,
This joyous path and flowered way.

I kicked some stones and sang a hymn,
So happy, free, content, and then,
A clap of thunder, down poured rain,
That fell so hard it caused me pain.

My path grew dark, no light to see,
I tripped right over fallen trees.
Confusion came and then the fear,
What is happening? How am I here?

I looked for shelter, the wind adverse,
The storm, it felt, was nigh a curse.
To beat me low, choke all my joy,
Cut off my song, my life destroy.

Afraid to go forward, far worse to turn back,
I sat still in the dark, shivers clear up my back.
Then a whisper to thoughts, said “Trust Me and wait,
I perform in the darkness and will not be late.”

As the hours did pass and my patience was tried,
My faith grew so weary, I finally cried,
“How much longer? Oh Lord, I cannot take more,
I miss the bright days with songs evermore!”

His voice was so tender but thoroughly strong,
“My promise I’ve given to combat the wrong,
My Presence is with you, My love is secure,
These days had great purpose with treasure procured.”

Then light began breaking through canopied trees,
The air filled with music from perched chickadees.
I stood to my feet, though weakness I found,
My legs not as strong, my way not as sound.

This can’t be the purpose of God’s ordained wait,
A treasure of weakness, an unsteady gait!
The path has divided, which way do I go?
Too many choices, how can I know?

Then calm reassurance came soft to my heart,
“I gave you a gift, which love does impart,
To rid you of pride, and self confidence,
To hinder your wisdom and independence.

You’re strong when you’re weak if you turn right to Me,
For wisdom and guidance and counsel you see,
It’s not within man to know his own way,
Your flesh and the enemy will lead you astray.

But O how I long, to hear your requests,
For help and My strength, for comfort and rest.
I love when you sing, and I notice the price,
Especially when hurting, love’s highest sacrifice.”

I bowed my head low, astounded by grace,
This Savior of mine that I longed to embrace.
“Lead me on, Lord Jesus, the path that you choose,
It’s your love that I trust and dare not to lose.”

Shannon Gallatin

Though merely a trophy of God's infinite grace, I am blessed to be the wife of my favorite pastor. I'm also the mother of a miracle with at least 6 treasures in heaven being raised by my heavenly Father. The Lord has used my past jobs of working with families affected by addictions, abuse, and other life tragedies, to help oversee the women's ministry at Calvary Chapel of the Finger Lakes. I couldn't be more thankful for His entrustment to wear multiple hats of various sizes, though they might fit a bit awkward on my noggin'. Praying that each of these things are being used to make me more like my Jesus and bring Him great glory.

Though I love all of the Word of God, Philippians 3:10 has become my life verse and Acts 20:24 my ministry pursuit.

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