Children Death Depression Encouragement God's Love Parenting Suffering

Fields of Harvested Tears

For some, every tear is a prayer caught in the palm of Love. One that hears past words, understands before utterance, and interprets the inexpressible. Love keeps the tear, records its cause, interprets what’s best and sows it in heaven’s field of God’s glory on earthly soil. For some, though they look through windows upon […]

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Depression Encouragement Hope Suffering Uncategorized Warfare

Hope’s Demise: A Parable

There was a day when Hope no longer answered the door when Pain came knocking. Pain was a persistent visitor who’d come calling every morning once Consciousness arose, opened the eyelids and filled the world with light. Often times, Pain brought his closest companions: Self Pity, Depression, Fear, Anger or Discouragement. On days when his […]

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